Martin Lorenz / 34 products
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Martin Lorenz, Julien Martin, TwoPoints


Martin Lorenz is co-founder of Twopoints.Net. His work has received numerous prizes and is mentioned frequently in the international press and books. Born in Hanover, he moved at the age of 18 to Darmstadt, Germany, to study Communication Design. After three years he felt the need to change teachers, school and country and moved to The Netherlands, learned Dutch and graduated after two years at the Royal Academy of Arts in The Hague with the specialisation in graphic and typographic design. His teachers were corporate and type designers of international reputation. So he took the opportunity to specialise in corporate design and rediscover his love to type design. In 2001 he moved to Frankfurt and worked there for 4 years. Martin and his wife Lupi, traveled a lot these years and got to know a lot of places. The place they liked the most was Barcelona. The city, the people, the weather, the food, all the things that make life worth living, they found in Barcelona. So, Martin learned Spanish and moved to Spain. They now finally settled down and founded a corporation specialised in strategic design and communication. Besides doing design projects they teach in design schools, but also organise design workshops and give lectures. Since 2000 they initiate as well their own projects including The One Weekend Book Series, Chinese Whisper, PosterSeries, Color Combinations and Cover Of The Week. Besides all these activities Martin does a doctoral research on design at the University of Barcelona. His doctoral thesis was developed in corporation with other European universities. Often designers and academic investigators live in parallel worlds without being able to exchange information, knowlegde and experience. Even though this would mean an enormous enrichment for both fields. His aim is to expand his investigation and intersect branches as design, sociology, philosophy and economy in order to improve the capabilities of design.

External links: Twopoints.Net / /

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