For press enquiries or to discuss potential collaborations, ideas and projects please call Tomi on +44 (0)7801 950 195 or email us:
Please note:
Links to Stereohype-related articles are currently only archived at – website of multi-disiplinary design studio FL@33, Stereohype's parent company – and will therefore open FL@33 pages in a new browser window or tab.
Logo, Revised Edition, Laurence King Publishing, by Michael Evamy, now featuring nine FL@33-designed logos (Location 68, a family coat of arms redesign, a champagne logo – both yet to be officially launched,, Stereohype, FL@33,, Toi Com Moi, Matelsom), p.42/#2, p.48/#5, p.63/#16, p.94/#6, p.185/#122, p.256/#51, p.359/#8, p.385/#23, p.400/#10, London, UK, February 2021
see spreads (English)
Modern Heraldry: Volume 1 and 2, Seals, Stamps, Crests & Shields, compiled and published by Counter-Print, a vast resource trademarks, based on heraldic symbology, from all around the world – including two FL@33-designed creations each – one of them is not even officially launched yet, London, UK, Volume 1: 2015, Reprinted April 2020, Volume 2 (with Stereohype's Button Badge Motif Print certification seal): April 2020
see spreads (English)
AIGA Eye on Design,, Design Diary, Stereohype celebrates its 15th birthday, by Emily Gosling, London, UK, 29 November 2019
read article (English)
Digital Arts,, News, These are the best badges of 2019, by Neil Bennett, London, UK, 28 November 2019
read article (English)
Digital Arts,, News, Features, Life & Style, Brilliant Christmas gift ideas for designers and artists 2019, London, UK, 25 November 2019
read mention (English)
Digital Arts,, News, See the Best Button Badge Designs of 2018, by Giacomo Lee, London, UK, 22 November 2018
read article (English)
Vaughan Oliver: Archive (VO:A), book 1/2: Materials and fragments, chapter VO:9—The Body Electric, FL@33 / Stereohype / Vaughan Oliver collaboration 10 / 10x10: Fig.23—Down To Ten Men, p.352 and p.392, London, UK,
16 October 2018
see spreads (English)
Digital Arts, Features / Graphic Design, Best Graphic Design & Branding Projects of 2017, London, UK, 28 December 2017
read article (English)
Digital Arts,, News, See the Best Button Badge Designs of 2017, by Miriam Harris, London, UK, 20 November 2017
read article (English)
Brilliant Logo – Logo design collection by motif, What makes a brilliant logo?, by BNN Inc - International, including our Stereohype logo and Stereohype's Button Badge Motif Print Seal beside 9 other FL@33-designed logos and identity systems, Tokyo, Japan, 4 September 2017
see spreads (Japanese and English)
Digital Arts,, Inspiration, The Best Button Badge Designs of 2016 now available as prints, by Miriam Harris, London, UK, 20 February 2017
read article (English)
Art Marks, compiled and published by Counter-Print, a compendium of logos from galleries, photographers, artists, museums, educational institutions, theatres, musicians, architects and designers from all over the world – including FL@33-designed MMM Festival, p.37, and Stereohype, p.137, London, UK, 29 November 2016
see spreads (English)
Design Week,, Stereohype button badge design competition winners, by Aimée McLaughlin, London, UK, 23 November 2016
read mention (English)
Digital Arts,, Inspiration, These are the Best Button Badge Designs of 2016, by Miriam Harris, London, UK,
16 November 2016
read article (English)
Rollacoaster, magazine #20, Autumn / Winter issue, Utopia, Eutopia section, selected Stereohype badges including some designed by FL@33, pp.186–195 (Stereohype on pp.188–189), London, UK, July 2016
see spreads (English)
Creative Review, The Social issue / The Annual, May issue, about FL@33-designed book The Story of Emoji by Gavin Lucas, FL@33 work and Stereohype's Emoji badges mentioned, p.3, p.25, pp.74–81 (mentions on p.25 and p.81), London, UK, 25 April 2016
see spreads (English)
Page,, Kreation, Website Relaunch von Grafik Art Label »Stereohype«, by Miriam Harringer, Hamburg, Germany,
17 April 2015
read article (German)
Digital Arts,, News, Browse Stereohype's entire button badge range on revamped site, by Michael Burns, London, UK, 6 April 2015
read article (English)
Netdiver,, Stereohype v.2, posted by Carole Guevin, Montreal, Canada,
2 April 2015
read mention (English)
Logo (Mini Edition), Laurence King Publishing, by Michael Evamy, featuring six FL@33-designed logos (, Stereohype, FL@33,, Toi Com Moi, Matelsom), p.36, p.40, p.69, p.119, p.279, p.303, London, UK, February 2015
see spreads (English)
It's Nice That,, Gavin Lucas picks his favourites from Stereohype's 10th birthday buttons, posted by Emily Gosling, London, UK, 5 November 2014
read article (English)
Creative Review,, Ten years of button badges, Stereohype 2004-2014, with interview excerpts, by Rachael Steven, London, UK, 20 October 2014
read article (English)Stereohype 2004–2014, 10 Years, 1,000 Button Badges, Over 300 Contributors — anniversary book with over 1,000 illustrations, introduction by Gavin Lucas, published by FL@33 and Stereohype, book conceived, compiled, written and designed by Agathe Jacquillat and Tomi Vollauschek – also includes 73 FL@33 badge contributions, London, UK, September 2014
see spreads (English)
Creative Review,, London Design Festival: LCC 160, Stereohype 2004–2014, by Rachael Steven, London, UK, 17 September 2014
read article (English)
LCC 160 exhibition: 50 + 100 + 10, exhibitors and curators interviewed – including FL@33 and Stereohype co-founder and creative director Tomi Vollauschek, London, UK, 16 September 2014
watch video (English)
Digital Arts,, News, FL@33 right on the button to celebrate 10 years of Stereohype, by Michael Burns, London, UK, 25 August 2014
read article (English)
Marie Claire – Italia, March issue, Retrodomani, Her / Style, by Silvia Criara and Manuela Ravasio, feat. FL@33's Optimist T-shirt Series for Stereohype, pp.227–231, Milano, Italy, 28 February 2014
see clipping (Italian)
Digital Arts,, News – What's Hot, Stereohype badge design competition 2013 winners announced, also featuring FL@33-designed AFOMFS luxury gift boxes, London, UK, 11 November 2013
read article (English)
Design Week,, A Few Of My Favourite Sneakers, by Tom Banks, London, UK, 2 May 2013
read article (English)
How,, Illustrated Badges to Get Your Ideas Running, by Melissa Mazzoleni, Blue Ash, Ohio, USA, 2 May 2013
read article (English)
Computer Arts, Summer issue 204, featuring FL@33 / Stereohype interview excerpts in cover story, by Abi Bliss, Transform your fortunes – turn your personal project into a thriving design business, pp.50–56, London, UK, August 2012
read cover story (English)
Design Week,, Stereohype announces new badge collection, by Tom Banks, London, UK, 25 May 2012
read article (English)
Étapes: international,, FL@33 Project Stereohype: B.I.O. Button Badge Series, Paris, France, 31 May 2012
read article (English)
Page/ e-mag,, Habitat goes button, Triumph des Button: FL@33 für Habitat, by Sabine Danek, Hamburg, Germany, 31 October 2011
read article (German)
Page, July issue, feature story: 10 Fragen, die Kreative heute bewegen (10 Questions That Move Today’s Creatives), FL@33 on p.31, Hamburg, Germany, June 2011
read excerpt (German)
SFi – Special Feature issue (by invitation only),, FL@33 online profile / interview as part of Carole Guevin’s SFi #3, Multi-disciplinarians (by FL@33) featuring a brief FL@33 history, 10 projects and an interview from April 2011, Montreal, Canada, May 2011
read profile / interview (English)
Page / e-mag,, FL@33 online profile / interview with project gallery, including 25 pictures of various FL@33 works, Hamburg, Germany, January 2011
read profile / interview (German)
Digital Arts, January 2011 issue, FL@33 / Stereohype feature, by Johann Chan, Creative Freedom – leading designers and artists reveal their personal projects: FL@33 – Annual badge design competitions... and B.I.O., Badgemania with FL@33, p.66, London, UK, December 2010
read feature (English)
Designers’ Identities, Laurence King Publishing, by Liz Farrelly, FL@33 profile / case study, featuring FL@33 Ascii Logo, FL@33 Street Type Logo, FL@33 ‘33’ Logo, Stereohype and logos, FL@33 letterhead and a wide selection of FL@33 works, pp.102–105, London, UK, November 2010
read profile / case study (English)
Typoshirt One, Index Book, edited by Magma Brand Design, Statement / 1141–1144, featuring previews of Stereohype’s Optimist T-shirt series, Barcelona, Spain, October 2010
see spread (English)
Selected A – Graphic Design from Europe, Index Book, presentation of jury panel members and their work (Made & Sold, MMM-Festival 2010 billboard, Badge Button Pin set, 8min 20sec (2009) stills, pp.7–10, pp.108–109, pp.262–263, p.301, p.391 plus 8min 20sec (2009) video on attached DVD, Barcelona, Spain, October 2010
see spreads (English)
Design Week, News in brief, Stereohype Has Created a Range of Themed Button Badges for Habitat, p.5, London, UK, 2 September 2010
read mention (English)
Ari, issue 2, books: Made & Sold mention, Thailand, June 2010
read mention (English and Thai)
RGB – Reviewing Graphics in Britain, Actar, by Marc Valli and Richard Brereton, FL@33 profile / interview, featuring Stereohype postcards, badges, badge poster, 8min 20sec (2009) stills, Love Recycling campaign for Friends of the Earth, pp.86–89, Barcelona, Spain, May 2010
read interview (English)
Digital Arts, February issue, Draw Some Ca$h, by Alice Ross, FL@33 interview excerpts, also featuring a few Stereohype badges, pp.32–36, London, UK, January 2010
read published excerpts and complete interview (English)
Creative Review, December issue, Marc Valli: Best Books from 2009 (including FL@33’s Made & Sold), p.27, London, UK, November 2009
read mention (English)
British Design 2010, Bis Publishers, showcase of recent design from top UK design studios, various FL@33 works, p.46–47, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 2009
see spread (English)
Computer Arts Project, 130, December issue, Underground Inspirations, by Lawrence Zeegen, p.58–64, FL@33 / Stereohype feature, featuring various Stereohype products, p.63, Inspirational Books: Made & Sold review, pp.94–95, London, UK, November 2009
read article and review (English)
Page, December issue, book review: FL@33’s book Made & Sold, p.111, Hamburg, Germany, November 2009
read review (German)
Cool Hunting,, Made & Sold: Toys, T-Shirts, Prints, Zines and Other Stuff review, by Jeremy Brautman, USA, 26 October 2009
read review (English)
Digital Arts, November issue, FL@33’s design initiative Stereohype B. I. O. (by invitation only) button badge series 8 launch, p.8, London, UK, October 2009
read mention (English)Made & Sold: Toys, T-shirts, Prints, Zines and Other Stuff, on sideline products by graphic designers, illustrators and artists, Laurence King Publishing, book conceived, compiled, written and designed by Agathe Jacquillat and Tomi Vollauschek at FL@33 – also featured: pp.60–61, pp.114–117, pp.158–161 and pp.166–167, p.240, London, UK, October 2009
see book
Digital Arts, October issue, Headline News Story – review: FL@33’s book Made & Sold – Illustrators Find New Ways to Earn, p.6, London, UK, September 2009
read review (English)
Computer Arts, 159, Online Outlets, by Sean Ashcroft, featuring, pp.98–99, London, UK, March 2009
read article (English)
Postcard, exciting postcards from around the world, Laurence King Publishing, book conceived, compiled, written and designed by Agathe Jacquillat and Tomi Vollauschek at FL@33 – also featured: p.31, pp.56–57, pp.112–115, p.184, p.224, London, UK, September 2008
Foreign Language editions of Postcard:
Cartes Postales, Pyramyd Editions, Paris, France, September 2008
Postales – Diseño Por Correo, Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, Spain, September 2008
Postcard – Postkarten-Design heute, Dumont Buchverlag, September 2008
see book
Babyboss, vol. 1, edition 4, Strong growth across all media, by Godot, 12-page FL@33 profile / interview, bilingual, English and Indonesian, featuring various FL@33 works, pp.40–51, Jakarta, Indonesia, September 2008
read (unedited) interview (English)
Around Europe: Promotion, Index Book, compiled and designed by Juland Barcelona / Vienna, featuring Mr Papillon qee, Pencil Sculpture Illustration Series, GraficEurope movie, Stereohype postcards, tag and badges, 300% Cotton book and T-shirt, Shadows illustration, pp.133–139, p.551, Barcelona, Spain, June 2008
see spreads (English)
Digital Arts, May issue, cover feature, Sell Your Designs, by Sean Ashcroft, featuring FL@33 interview and work samples, pp.20–26, London, UK, April 2008
read article (English)
Artrocker, 74, Fashion / Rock the look section, by Kate Hornby, featuring Stereohype B.I.O. series 5 badges, p.78, London, UK, January 2008
read mention (English)
Young European Graphic Designers, Daab, multi-lingual intro: English, German, French, Spanish and Italian, 8-page FL@33 feature, pp.102–109, Cologne, Germany, November 2007
see spreads (English)
Logo, Laurence King Publishing, by Michael Evamy, featuring six FL@33-designed logos (, Stereohype, FL@33,, Toi Com Moi, Matelsom), p.36, p.40, p.69, p.119, p.279, p.303, London, UK, October 2007
see spreads (English)
Design in Europe 2007 / 08, Pyramyd Editions, various FL@33 works, pp.164–165, Paris, France, October 2007
see spread (English and French)
Tactile – High Touch Visuals, Gestalten (formerly DGV / Die Gestalten Verlag), FL@33's custom floor design, p.142, Berlin, Germany, September 2007
see spread (English)
Adobe Insider, September 2007, FL@T Hunting, by Dom Hall, FL@33 profile / interview, August 2007
read profile (English)
Hitspaper interviews (, FL@33 interview, also featuring various FL@33 works, by Arata Sasaki, Tokyo, Japan, August 2007
read interview (English and Japanese)
Badge Button Pin, Laurence King Publishing, by Gavin Lucas, design: Nathan Gale, Stereohype badges and feature, p.6, p.8, p.17, p.34, p.38, pp.98–101, The limited edition of the book was released with 10 specially designed button badges – one of them designed by FL@33, London, UK, July 2007
see spreads (English)
I Love Chapas! | I Love Badges! Buttons, Pins..., Monsa Publications, by Eva Minguet Cámara, pp.8–13, pp.88–89, pp.122–123, pp.162–165, pp.167–171, pp.174–175, pp.178–181, Barcelona, Spain, June 2007
see spreads (English and Spanish)
Creative Review,, Badge Exhibition: One Week Left, London, UK, 22 May 2007
read article at (English)
Computer Arts, 136, June issue, Be the Best! issue, Learning New Skills – Special, by Nick Spence, with FL@33 interview excerpts and various works, pp.36–44, London, UK, May 2007
read excerpts (English)
Creative Review, The Annual – Special issue, A Small Medium, Badge Button Pin by Gavin Lucas, pp.40–42, London, UK, May 2007
read mention (English)
Poster-Art, RotoVision, by Charlotte Rivers, featuring FL@33’s typographic poster Dalai Lama Speech and the Stereohype Squirrel motif 2004, pp.72–73, London, UK, May 2007
see spread (English)
Computer Arts, 133, March issue, Reinvent Yourself special with FL@33 interview excerpts, pp.32–42, London, UK, February 2007
read interview excerpt (English)
Étapes: international, 7, Pinning Hopes, by Caroline Bouige, FL@33 design initiative B.I.O. (by invitation only) button badge series, p.21, first published in Étapes: 134 (French, July 2006), Paris, France, January 2007
read article (English)
Seasonal Affective Design (S. A. D.), 2, winter 2006 / 07, 4-page FL@33 profile / interview, featuring various works, p.5, pp.27–30, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, UK, January 2007
read interview (English)
Computer Arts, 132, February issue, The Month in Brief, Good Month – Badges of Honour, thumbs-up for FL@33's design initiative, p.14, London, UK, January 2007
read mention (English)
Computer Arts Project, 91, December issue, attached digital artist showcase, vol. 1, New Masters of Digital Art, 4-page FL@33 profile / interview, featuring various works, pp.16–19, London, UK, December 2006
read profile / interview (English)
Dpi, vol. 91, Special issue: New London, New Design, 10-page FL@33 profile / interview, by Lulu Tzeng and Adam Liao, various FL@33 works, pp.36–45, Taipei City, Taiwan, November 2006
read profile (Chinese and English)
300% Cotton – More T-shirt Graphics, Laurence King Publishing, by Helen Walters, cover and book design: FL@33, also featuring Stereohype T-shirts, p.130, London, UK, October 2006
see book (English)
Tres Logos, Gestalten (formerly DGV / Die Gestalten Verlag), by R. Klanten, N. Bourquin, T. Geiger, featuring four FL@33-designed logos (FL@33 Street Type Logo, FL@33 Ascii Logo, Toi Com Moi, Stereohype), p.163, p.202, p.224, p.264, Berlin, Germany, October 2006
see spreads (English)
Novum – World of Graphic Design, October issue, News, Ansteckendes Design, by Christine Moosmann, on FL@33 design initiative B.I.O. (by invitation only) button badge series for Stereohype, p.8, Munich, Germany, September 2006
read article (German)
Tattoo Icons – Viction:ary 3, edited and published by Viction:ary, limited edition plastic slipcase, also including Bzzzpeek and Stereohype’s Rabbit ‘n’ Rainbow motifs, pp.110–115, p.427, Hong Kong, July 2006
see spreads (English)
Étapes: 134, Actu: Badges, Le revers de la médaille, by Caroline Bouige, FL@33 design initiative B.I.O. (by invitation only) button badge series, p.11, Paris, France, July 2006
read article (French)
DNA Identity, Index Book, by Pedro Guitton, and logo / tag, English, pp.232–234, p.284, Barcelona, Spain, July 2006
see spreads (English)
Page, August issue, book review: T-shirt 360°, featuring a Stereohype T-shirt, p.111, Hamburg, Germany, July 2006
read mention (German)
Design in Europe 2006, Pyramyd Editions, with various FL@33 projects, pp.116–117, Paris, France, June 2006
see spread (English and French)
Computer Arts, 124, July issue, 6-page FL@33 profile / interview, by Mark Penfold, FL@33 portrait photography on the roof of FL@33 HQ: Gavin Roberts, featuring various FL@33 works, pp.40–46, London, UK, June 2006
read profile (English)
+81, Plus Eighty One, vol. 32, summer 2006, Special issue: Graphics the World Over, 6-page FL@33 profile / interview, by Tomoko Suwa, various FL@33 works, pp.46–52, Tokyo, Japan, May 2006
read profile (English and Japanese)
What is Graphic Design For?, RotoVision, by Alice Twemlow, Designer as Author, Publisher, Producer, Curator, Entrepreneur, FL@33 / Stereohype, Butterfly Pencil Sculpture, B.I.O. (by invitation only) button badge series, Mr Papillon qee, Stereohype identity, pp.41–43, East Sussex, May 2006
read excerpt (English)
T-shirt 360°, Index Book, by Pedro Guitton, English, featuring selected Stereohype T-shirts, pp.73–75, p.175, Barcelona, Spain, May 2006
see spreads (English)
Graphics Alive!, Viction:ary, featuring B.I.O. (by invitation only) button badges, many Stereohype T-shirts and a screenprinted wedding suit, p.6, pp.95–97, p.141, p.162, Hong Kong, March 2006
see spreads (English)
Novum – World of Graphic Design, FL@33 interview as part of the Education special, Going Independent: Risk or Opportunity?, Selbständigkeit – Wagnis oder Chance?, pp.56–57, Munich, Germany, March 2006
read interview (English and German)
Grafik, 136, Viewpoint, 2005 – How was it for you?, FL@33’s Tomi Vollauschek, p.80, London, UK, January 2006
read viewpoint (English)
Eye, 58, winter issue, The Discriminalisation of Ornament, with Stereohype Squirrel motif as part of the feature article by Alice Twemlow, editorial and p.27, London, UK, winter 2005 / 06
see spread (English)
Computer Arts, 117, January 2006 issue, Stereohype T-shirts for kids, p.87, London, UK, December 2005
read mention (English)
Basics: Image, AVA Publishing, by Gavin Ambrose and Paul Harris, featuring six FL@33 projects (Matelsom, Toi Com Moi, Stereohype, Groupe Galeries Lafayette / BHV, Butterfly Sculpture, Shadows), p.40, p.51, p.63, pp.122–123, p.130, p.169, Lausanne, Switzerland, October 2005
see spreads (English)
Computer Arts, 115, November issue, Expose yourself, by Daniel West, FL@33 case study / /, pp.34–40, London, UK, October 2005
read feature (English)
Front, 88, Cotton Picking, Coin-operated Telescope T-shirt, pp.120–122, London, UK, October 2005
see spread (English)
WGSN, the world's leading fashion trend forecaster, Top Drawer Fast Track, by Alison Gough, Stereohype, London, UK, 5 October 2005
read feature (English)
Digit, 91, Inspire, Pin It Down, featuring FL@33’s design initiative B.I.O. (by invitation only) button badge series for Stereohype, pp.32–33, London, UK, September 2005
read feature (English)
IdN, vol. 12, number 3, Pick of the month: FL@33 launch Stereohype, p.4, Hong Kong, summer 2005
read mention (English)
Page, July issue, Szene, Anstecklust, by Antje Dohmann, FL@33 / mention, B.I.O. (by invitation only) button badge series, p.10, Hamburg, Germany, July 2005
read mention (German)
Novum – World of Graphic Design,, online book review, FL@33 monograph, Munich, Germany, July 2005
read review (German)Design & Designer 33 – FL@33, Pyramyd Editions, FL@33 monograph, bilingual, preface by Liz Brown, featuring commissioned and self-initiated projects, Paris, France, May 2005
see spreads (English and French)
Nico, Young International T-shirt Designers, Shirt Stories, with three FL@33-designed Stereohype T-shirts, pp.81–84, Luxembourg, May 2005
see spreads (French)
And – Art and Design Magazine, Art and Design Publishing, 10-page FL@33 profile / interview, featuring various FL@33 works, pp.58–67, Beijing, China, April 2005
read profile (Chinese)
BellaLi, fanzine, free press magazine, FL@33 / Stereohype article, pp.42–43, Pavia, Italy, March / April 2005
read article (Italian)
Cool Hunting,, Stereohype Shirts, by Josh Spear, USA, 11 February 2005
read mention (English)
Design in Europe 2005, Pyramyd Editions, various FL@33 projects, pp.130–131, Paris, France, February 2005
see spread (English and French)
Step (Inside Design), vol. 21, no. 1, A Field Guide to Emerging Design Talent 2005, by Alice Twemlow, Ones to Watch: FL@33, Agathe Jacquillat, Tomi Vollauschek, featuring Butterfly Pencil Sculpture, Stereohype Squirrel motif and Trans-form magazine, p.41, pp.51–52, USA, January / February 2005
read profile (English)
WAD, 23, Scale / S, M, L, XL issue, bilingual, Playground, announcing FL@33 / Stereohype solo exhibition, with double-page spread Shadows illustration, pp.118–119, p.128, Paris, France, December 2004 – February 2005
see spread (French and English)
Numéro, 59, What’s Up?, Les découvertes du mois, by Nathalie Fraser, Avoir le temps – FL@33 / Stereohype solo exhibition, p.96, Paris, France, December 2004
read mention (French)
Grafik, 124, Roughs, Flat Out, FL@33 / Stereohype solo exhibition in Paris, France, p.7, London, UK, December 2004
read mention (English)
Novum – World of Graphic Design, front cover design by FL@33 and 8-page FL@33 profile inside, We love it all..., featuring various FL@33 works, pp.54–61, Munich, Germany, November 2004
read profile | see cover (English and German)
Grafik, 121, Fashion issue, Nice T, featuring selected FL@33-designed Stereohype T-shirts, p.44, London, UK, September 2004
read article (English)
200% Cotton – New T-shirt Graphics, Laurence King Publishing / Harpers, by Helen Walters, book and cover design by FL@33, also featuring FL@33’s T-shirt range for and commissioned artwork for 200% chapter, p.85 and p.134, London, UK, August 2004
see book (English)