Yoga Compass Pose

Button Badge — B1513C19



All Stereohype button badges available at are classic high quality one inch (25mm) metal back badges with so-called D-pin. Tiny stickers at the back mention the artist, release date, series number, etc. The growing collection of these mobile mini canvases – featuring over 1,700 individual designs by over 600 international graphic designers, illustrators, photographers and artists – consists of all B.I.O. (By Invitation Only) contributions, winners of Stereohype's annual button badge design competition and additional series such as the special collaborations: AFOMFS SeriesMICA Series, 10x10 Series and Emoji Series. Badges are manufactured in the United Kingdom.

This artwork is also available as Button Badge Motif Print.


1st Prize (Category: Set of 4)

Maria's badges choice was in honour of the International Day of Yoga, which she transposed into expressive, exaggerated shapes. And because no yoga practitioner is a silent activist, the design also has an empowering element of feminism, encouraging women to be active regardless of their body type.

This artwork is by one of twelve winners of our 15th annual Button Badge Design Competition – selected from 425 accepted entries submitted by 146 individuals, studios and collectives.

Winners: Donya Maghsoudlou, Maria Voichita Popescu, El Horno, Bobbi Rae, Marija Jurcikaite, ShallowLagoon, Ben Herskowitz, Daria Gudkova, Nic McGuffog, Piotr Depta-Kleśta, Anis Tabaraee and Laura Parker.

Judging Panel: Agathe Jacquillat / FL@33 and Stereohype, Aimee Morris, Aranza Serafin, Beren Neale, Camille Whitcher, Caroline Roberts, Egon Swaels, Emily Gosling, Gavin Lucas, Holly T Burrows, Jonny Leigh, Jono Sandilands, Judith Cornejo, Julia Kahl, Matthew John Oakley, Monika Mitkute, Neil Bennett, Nick Spence, Team Novum, Paul Pensom, Robert Urquhart, Theo Inglis and Tomi Vollauschek / FL@33 / Stereohype.
Released: November 2019


Maria is a passionate creative thinker from Romania who is constantly discovering the world around her through creative means of expression. Part of her recent work is experimental illustration, as she’s trying to find a personal style while mixing everything she visually collects into her work.

External links:

Created by: Maria Voichita Popescu


Many winning designs from our annual button badge design competitions are some of our all-time favourites and we hope you like them, too. The competition is great for customers and artists alike. Keep your eyes peeled for the call for entries if you would like to become part of Stereohype's growing one inch (25mm) button badge collection. These are posted across all Stereohype channels and by supporters around the world.

The core of the brief simply states '(...) create and submit lovely, humorous and/or witty artworks for those cute little mobile canvases (...)'. Eligible are entries by designers, artists, photographers, illustrators and by students in any of these areas – including runners-up from previous competitions. Not eligible however are contributors to our B.I.O. (By Invitation Only), MICAAFOMFS, 10x10 and Emoji Series former competition winners who are more than welcome to become part of the judging panel. Winning button badge designs are hand-picked by our esteemed annual jury members – usually 20–30 former competition winners, button badge-loving journalists, writers, illustrators, artists and graphic designers from around the world – many of them contributors to Stereohype's button badge collection themselves.

8 other products by: Maria Voichita Popescu

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