Design & Designer 084 book + 1 badge

Book / Badge Bundle — BMDD084, B0661B11


Some of the designers featured in Pyramyd Editions' monograph series Designer & Designer also contributed to Stereohype's button badge collection. This is an exclusive Stereohype badge and book bundle combination.

Design & Designer 084 – Pixelgarten
Intro by Vanina Pinter
Paperback with flaps
Colour throughout
Bilingual (English and French)
120 pages
150 x 160mm
ISBN: 978-2-35017-233-0
Published in 2011
Pyramyd Editions

Comes with a Red Plus button badge by Pixelgarten from B.I.O. Series 11.


Pixelgarten is a small bureau for multi-disciplinary creation based in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. It was founded by Catrin Altenbrandt and Adrian Niessler. They have been working for various clients in many fields of design including illustration, fashion, corporate identity and editorial design. The duo also likes to create their own self-initiated projects and have been extensively exhibiting their work. A book about their work called Design & Designer 084 – Pixelgarten was published in 2011 as part of Pyramyd Editions' bilingual (English and French) monograph series.

External link:

Created by: Pixelgarten


Paris-based Pyramyd Editions has regularly been publishing monographs since 2002 featuring work by selected artists, graphic and product designers. These bilingual monographs form part of a series called Design & Designer. The books contain introductions and descriptions in French and English for the many featured project visuals. Each publication title has a serial number (such as Designer & Designer 033 – FL@33).

In some cases – especially within the first 25 of the series – a second and even third edition was published with fresh new content and a 'v.2' or 'v.3' added to the book title. Other titles go out of print and do not seem to be reprinted in the foreseeable future (such as Antoine+Manuel's book for example). At time of writing this text the Designer & Designer series already reached serial number 086.

A few selected titles are available here especially by some of our own contributors who already created button badges and more for Stereohype. Fill any gaps you may have in your collection or start yours today.

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