Yellow Smiley Brain

Button Badge — B1614B21



All Stereohype button badges available at are classic high quality one inch (25mm) metal back badges with so-called D-pin. Tiny stickers at the back mention the artist, release date, series number, etc. The growing collection of these mobile mini canvases – featuring over 1,700 individual designs by over 600 international graphic designers, illustrators, photographers and artists – consists of all B.I.O. (By Invitation Only) contributions, winners of Stereohype's annual button badge design competition and additional series such as the special collaborations: AFOMFS SeriesMICA Series, 10x10 Series and Emoji Series. Badges are manufactured in the United Kingdom.


‘The set continues the theme of my recent work, with each badge expressing a different state of mind (or mood) on a sliding scale – to be worn as appropriate to how you might feel. A kind of mental health emoji if you will.’ — Adam Pointer


Adam Pointer is a Graphic Artist based in Newcastle UK. Adam’s artwork takes a playful look inside our collective state of mind to reveal the hidden anxieties and modern mental afflictions that saturate our headspace. In this collection each badge expresses a different state of mind (or mood) on a sliding scale to be worn as appropriate to how your head feels.

Adam was an early contributor to Stereohype way back in 2005. His first collection looked at alternative symbols of English identity.

External link:

Created by: Adam Pointer


Selected international designers, illustrators and artists were invited to submit designs for this one inch (25mm) button badge series. Stereohype sells B.I.O. (By Invitation Only) Series 21 badges separately and as part of themed / artist gift boxes. We also give button badges away as free extra treats with each order. B.I.O. Series 21 includes artworks by Adam Pointer, Andy Altmann, Ben Herskowitz, cut shape make / Gary Prendergast, Dominic Davies, Donya MaghsoudlouAgathe Jacquillat and Tomi Vollauschek / FL@33, Maxim Morozov, MuirMcNeil /  Paul McNeilHamish Muir , Roy Burns IIISimon Larbalestier and Studio Pensom / Paul Pensom. Released: November 2021 / Please feel free to add a complimentary button badge of your choice to your next £5+ order using this add-on checkout voucher code: FreeBadgeOfChoice

13 other products by: Adam Pointer

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