
Button Badge — B0218B4



All Stereohype button badges available at stereohype.com are classic high quality one inch (25mm) metal back badges with so-called D-pin. Tiny stickers at the back mention the artist, release date, series number, etc. The growing collection of these mobile mini canvases – featuring over 1,700 individual designs by over 600 international graphic designers, illustrators, photographers and artists – consists of all B.I.O. (By Invitation Only) contributions, winners of Stereohype's annual button badge design competition and additional series such as the special collaborations: AFOMFS SeriesMICA Series, 10x10 Series and Emoji Series. Badges are manufactured in the United Kingdom.


Rob Lowe aka Supermundane, is an artist, graphic designer, typographer, illustrator and writer with over 15 years experience in the creative industry. His signature mesmeric drawings have been published and exhibited worldwide. In 2012 he debut a new direction of pure line and colour, exploring depth, movement and optical effects. He has be responsible for designing some of the most groundbreaking independent magazines of the last decade including the alternative children’s magazine Anorak and the award-winning food quarterly Fire & Knives. His practice is defined by an distinctive use of colour, line and simplicity which can be seen through all his different disciplines from typeface design to his personal works. He lives and works in London.

External link: supermundane.com

Created by: Supermundane / Rob Lowe


Selected international designers, illustrators and artists were invited to submit designs for this one inch (25mm) button badge series. Stereohype sells B.I.O. (By Invitation Only) Series 4 badges separately and gives them away as a free surprise badge with selected Stereohype T-shirts. B.I.O. Series 4 includes artworks by Anthony Burrill, Antoine+Manuel, FL@33, Geneviève Gauckler, Hellohikimori, Jon Burgerman, Kerry Roper, Lunartik, Mark Adams, PeskimoSupermundane and Tabas. Released: June 2006

10 other products by: Supermundane

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  • £65 £84.80
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  • £2
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