9th annual Stereohype Button Badge Design Competition (2013)
Thank you very much for your submissions!
See winners and runners-up 2013
For further updates on this and forthcoming competitions please follow us on Twitter (@graphicflow) (@stereohype), befriend us on Facebook Stereohype and/or join our mailing list
The Judging Panel 2013:
The straight-forward judging process: Judges will select their favourite three designs and give them points from 1 to 3 in each category ('sets of FOUR' and SINGLE entries), 3 points for their absolute favourite. The designs with the highest score will win.
Former competition winners:
Anna Giarmeniti (winner 2012)
Eva Goncalves (winner 2012), unfinishedinventory.com, we-celebrate.com
Heleen van Buul (winner 2012), hbontwerp.nl
Jeff Conway (winner 2011) pushingnormal.com
Kike Riesco (winner 2012), kikeriesco.com
Konrad Sybilski (winner 2012), konradsybilski.com
Matthew D. Kenyon (winner 2006), gamepaused.net
Paul McNeill (winner 2012), wheelygoodprints.blogspot.co.uk
Sarah Boris (winner 2008/09 and BIO11)
Sarah Ray (winner 2012), sarahray.co.uk
Thom Lambert (winner 2010), thomlambert.com
Viola Wang (winner 2012), violawang.com
A selection of button badge-loving journalists, writers, illustrators, artists and graphic designers from around the world – many of them are AFOMFS, MICA and/or B.I.O. (by invitation only) button badge series contributors:
Agathe Jacquillat, FL@33 (BIO1–12), bzzzpeek.com, flat33.com, 3d-type.com
Angharad Lewis, writer and editor
Angus Montgomery, Design Week, designweek.co.uk
Darren Firth, Occupy (BIO5), weoccupy.co.uk, keepsmesane.co.uk
Gavin Lucas, Badge/Button/Pin author
Holly T Burrows (BIO11), hollytburrows.com
Julia Kahl, Slanted Magazine & Weblog, (BIO 9), http://www.slanted.de
Liz Farrelly, Étapes International, en.etapes.com, liz-farrelly-visits.org
Nathan Gale (BIO2, 12 and AFOMFS), intercitystudio.com, artandsoleblog.com
Neil Bennett, Digital Arts, digitalartsonline.co.uk
Nick Spence, freelance writer, twitter.com/Nickfromupnorth
Priscilla Chan, Communications Executive of IdN, idnworld.com
Rachael Steven, Creative Review, creativereview.co.uk/cr-blog
Richard Kirk (BIO2 and 5)
Robert Urquhart, roberturquhart.blogspot.com
Toby Neilan, (AFOMFS), tobyneilan.com
Tomi Vollauschek, FL@33 (BIO1–12), bzzzpeek.com, flat33.com, 3d-type.com
unfolded (team) (BIO10), unfolded.ch
9th annual Stereohype Button Badge Design Competition (2013)
The extended deadline to create and submit lovely, humorous and/or witty artworks for those cute little mobile canvases is Monday, 9 September 2013 now Sunday night (11.59pm/23:59, BST), 29 September 2013.
(Teaser pictures: pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4, pic5, pic6, pic7, pic8)
Following the huge success of our first eight design competitions we are now pleased to announce the 9th annual 1" (25mm) Stereohype Button Badge Design Competition. We look forward to receiving your submissions. Please note that we will unfortunately not be able to send individual submission receipts. There will be an auto-reply however that is only being sent when your submission actually arrives in our submission inbox. You will be notified during and after judging period (shortly after the deadline). Thank you!
Please download:
Photoshop templates for both colour or black and white artworks:
colour (cmyk, 300dpi) and black and white (900dpi)
See 'downloads/templates' section at flat33.com.
(Please note: in Chrome browsers you might have to right-mouse-click/ctrl+click and 'save link as')
Please ensure that your submission(s) include ALL necessary hi-res PSD file(s)
AND your short biography. Please do refer to the 'StereohypeArtworkGuide13.pdf' for details! Thanks!
ELIGIBLE are entries by designers, artists, photographers, illustrators and by students in any of these areas – including runner-ups from previous competitions. NOT ELIGIBLE however are contributors to our B.I.O. (by invitation only), MICA and AFOMFS series and former competition winners who are now more than welcome to become part of the judging panel.
Your artwork(s) will have to be created by yourself and should obviously not infringe any copyrights! Winners will give stereohype.com automatically a NON-exclusive licence to reproduce the winning artwork(s) on badges and Stereohype-badge-related promotional materials such as postcards, etc. By submitting your artwork(s) you agree on these terms and conditions. A shortlist will also be featured at stereohype.com crediting the artists and designers.
Please do have a look at the 856 existing designs that are already included in our collection and avoid nipple designs, button buttons and back of badge artworks. Been there, done that, and already included those to our Stereohype collection... 8) We do not tolerate religiously offending, racist or sexually explicit visuals, nor do we accept imagery that plays down the danger of weapons.
A shortlist of the most successful entries will also be featured at stereohype.com crediting the artists and designers. See last year's shortlist here.
We will give winning artworks away as a free surprise badge with purchased Stereohype
T-shirts or sell them separately via stereohype.com and our growing list of selected stockists. Your badge design(s) might also be reprinted for promotional purposes featuring photos of your badge. Designers, artists and illustrators will – wherever possible – be appropriately credited.
Please email one to (A MAXIMUM OF) four different badge designs per participant to submit@stereohype.com. Although we love ‘sets of four ’ – please bear in mind, that we are aiming to give quite a lot of them away one at a time (although sets will be made available in a special packaging). Please refer to the instructions, file specifications and links to the .psd templates on page 4 of the artwork guide. StereohypeArtworkGuide13.pdf
We can't wait to see your design(s)! GOOD LUCK! 8)
Stereohype will offer winners the following prizes within each of the two categories ('SINGLE badge designs' and 'sets of FOUR'):
1st prize (applies to both categories: 'single badge' and 'set of four')
*** your personal mini profile/bio (with URL to your website) on stereohype.com with short descriptive text about your artwork(s)
*** a total of ten 1" badges per person for single entries OR a total of twenty for 'sets of FOUR' (for example: five 'sets of four' or twenty individual designs) with either your own design(s) or your selection of badges by other designers
*** three T-shirts of your choice (subject to availability)
*** one Rainbow in your hand flipbook
*** one Badge/Button/Pin book by Gavin Lucas
*** one design&designer book of your choice (subject to availability)
*** one signed FL@33 design&designer book
*** one Postcard book by FL@33
*** 20% off all orders placed before 31 December 2013!
2nd prize (applies to both categories: 'single badge' and 'set of four')
*** your personal mini profile/bio (with URL to your website) on stereohype.com with short descriptive text about your artwork(s)
*** a total of ten 1" badges per person for single entries OR a total of twenty for 'sets of four' (for example: five 'sets of four' or twenty individual designs) with either your own design(s) or your selection of badges by other designers
*** two T-shirts of your choice (subject to availability)
*** one Rainbow in your hand flipbook
*** one signed FL@33 design&designer book
*** 20% off all orders placed before 31 December 2013!
3rd prize (applies to both categories: 'single badge' and 'set of four')
*** your personal mini profile/bio (with URL to your website) on stereohype.com with short descriptive text about your artwork(s)
*** a total of ten 1" badges per person for single entries OR a total of twenty for 'sets of four' (for example: five 'sets of four' or twenty individual designs) with either your own design(s) or your selection of badges by other designers
*** one T-shirt of your choice (subject to availability)
*** one signed FL@33 design&designer book
*** 20% off all orders placed before 31 December 2013!
4th prize / 5th prize (applies to both categories: 'single badge' and 'set of four')
*** your personal mini profile/bio (with URL to your website) on stereohype.com with short descriptive text about your artwork(s)
*** a total of ten 1" badges per person for single entries OR a total of twenty for 'sets of four' (for example: five 'sets of four' or twenty individual designs) with either your own design(s) or your selection of badges by other designers
*** one T-shirt of your choice (subject to availability)
*** one signed FL@33 design&designer book
*** 20% off all orders placed before 31 December 2013!
Special Stereohype Prize
(applies to both categories: 'single badge' and 'set of four')
*** your personal mini profile/bio (with URL to your website) on stereohype.com with short descriptive text about your artwork(s)
*** a total of ten 1" badges per person for single entries OR a total of twenty for 'sets of four' (for example: five 'sets of four' or twenty individual designs) with either your own design(s) or your selection of badges by other designers
*** one T-shirt of your choice (subject to availability)
*** one signed FL@33 design&designer book
*** 20% off all orders placed before 31 December 2013!